Online Colloquium

Launched in November 2016, held monthly as an interactive Zoom meeting, in English or German, depending on the topic/presenter.

          --> For upcoming events please scroll down. 
          --> For previous Colloquium events: see Colloquium Archive.

Main intention and format of our Colloquium:

The online colloquium aims to  connect integrally oriented and like-minded researchers and practitioners by offering them a forum to exchange experiences around innovative approaches to complex social challenges. It is designed to strengthen the dialog and connection between IFIS' members and friends, mostly spread out in different countries and even continents.
We invite new colleagues to join us and be part of IFIS’ community of integral research and inquiry. New presenters are always welcome.

In order to maintain a protected space, the recordings are not being published

Terms and conditions

IFIS practices a by donation (pay-what-feels-right) policy.
Recommended donation for a single Colloquium participation of non-members: 10-20 Euros.

Colloquium Flatrate: 50 Euros for one year.

Please use our donations button or simply make a transfer to our account. In the latter case, please let us know if you need a donation receipt.
For anonymous donations please click here - thanks!

No participation fee is required from members.
We offer four m
embership options.

Privacy policy and quality processes:

While we do record our Colloquium sessions, we do not post them publicly on the web. This is a precondition for offering a safe space for all participants to show and speak up freely, including about personal matters. We invite all Colloquium participants to respect this space and privacy policy. They allow us to maintain a high quality of dialog and inquiry.

Summaries of and reflections about individual Colloquium sessions can be found on our blog.


"The IFIS Colloquium is self-selected group of individuals with years of combined experience in we-space, circling and insight practices such as Bohm Dialogue, Collective Presencing, and Theory-U process. There is a lot of capacity to hold various flavors of negative capability. We ranged across a palette of silences, sharing on many levels, dimensions and octaves with verbal sharing being just one. We discovered that we can break the tension or extend it, we can agree to see it all and be seen, and to just notice our reactivity without making it wrong. In that blurring of the boundaries between giving and receiving shined glimpses of co-generative potential." (Lisa Norton)

Next Colloquium events:

Note: All Colloquia are presented in the language in which they are/have been held.

Online Colloquium Nr. 72: Body-Minded-ness: Embodied practices for how one shows up and makes choices

Date and time

Interestingly, much research has revealed that our bodies have ways of knowing that are
not directly connected to our conscious mind in ways that can support new perspectives
and inform our possibilities for making meaning and different choices (a sense-making
process). In short, utilizing our body in ways that can offer experiences that our conscious
mind had not considered before…our body and our mind are not separate, they are
necessarily interdependent. Becoming more aware and practiced in noticing our body