BNC | Overview


With a global population expected to reach a figure of  nine billion by 2050, humanity can no longer live as it has up to now. The BNC sponsors and propagates a comprehensive social project for a future worth living. A vision of a new culture, the social project, has been sketched out in the BNC Manifesto.

Starting in the West, in the rich democratic industrial nations, the BNC wants to make a fundamental contribution to a change in orientation for the development of humanity. This concerns a renunciation of materialism in becoming aware of the following: three-quarters of our satisfaction in life can be found in immaterial assets such as love, affection, friendship, peace, security, knowledge, creative activity and meaningful work. None of these can be bought for money. Growth in immaterial abundance for humanity will be positioned as a new social orientation and new priority for all people.

By means of four new constitutional articles (see: constitutional amendments) this new culture will be incorporated in the constitutions of many nations.

Important here is that humanity makes peace with nature: All ecological burdens resulting from the economy and consumption (pollution, excessive mining of minerals) must be brought under the limits of the maximum burden on the biosphere presupposing a global population of nine billion people. This requires on the one hand specific limitations on usage and consumption and on the other hand new ecological technologies. Technological progress must be oriented toward the ecological goal, which is peace with nature. The same holds for our lifestyle. Otherwise life on earth will become very unpleasant for everyone (climate change, struggle for living space, struggle for resources such as water and material prosperity).

This also involves achieving more peace among all people by means of greater equity in the distribution of income and assets. The huge concentration of capital, and thus of power, must be done away with. Such a concentration is undemocratic and points global development in the wrong direction: materialistic. It also foments frustration and violence among disadvantaged groups. Gross capital should be divided among all adult citizens and not be the possession of the state. This is a liberal solution, a sort of small-scale capitalism, which we refer to as an “owner society.” It apportions wealth and the power of capital among all adults in a range that is felt to be “just” by the sovereign power (electorate or parliament).


The BNC does not work in a specific subject area of society, such as renewable energy sources, human rights or migration. It sponsors and disseminates a vision for a future worth living, a social project. There are thousands of organizations and projects concentrating on individual themes and human suffering, and that’s all to the good. There are very few comprehensive visions of a gratifying future for all of humanity. The BNC presents such a vision. It incorporates the topic of climate change and gives highest priority to this cause in a comprehensive cultural transformation. The BNC is convinced that people in these times require a global vision of a future culture, a vision of the future that enables us to feel confidence and joy and which lends wings to the creativity of thousands of people, especially young people.

The BNC is a political but nonpartisan grassroots organization of citizens who basically subscribe to and support the analyses and goals of the Manifesto.

Democratic decisions would be made in many nations (civic society or parliament) to introduce four new articles into their national constitutions toward creation of a post-materialistic society. The BNC envisages a period of 20-30 years to realize this: A period in which the necessary transformation of consciousness and the corresponding referendums should be possible.

The transformation of culture proposed here cannot be introduced in one country alone. It is thus crucial that the actions of the BNC occur on an international level. Dozens of nations must realize this transformation in order that our plan can succeed and create a global force in this direction.

The four basic proposals for constitutional amendments are found in the BNC Manifesto. In Switzerland, for example, an initial popular initiative will be prepared and launched as soon as BNC counts 2 to 3000 members, in coalition with organizations having a similar orientation. Thanks to these activities, the BNC Manifesto will become known and sponsorship will grow. By launching new initiatives every 3-5 years the themes of new forms of culture, immaterial growth and post-materialistic lifestyles shall remain present in the public space for decades and eventually bring about the necessary transformation of consciousness. If an electorate/parliament has incorporated the four basic problem-solving approaches in the constitution, we can say the following: The New Culture has been basically accepted and broadly supported by the people of those nations.

See also constitutional amendments under the topic “Activities.”


The BNC Manifesto was authored by Gil Ducommun in 2019 with the assistance of about 25 co-thinkers. October 17, 2019 witnessed the establishment as an association in Berne of an initial BNC known as the pBNC by 17 persons present out of a total of 36 founding members. A directorate of seven members was elected. Since then, the pBNC has been busy developing its structures: The website and administrative software had priority, including the financial sector. In January 2020 a trilingual BNC website will go online. Bulk mailing should make it possible to reach 10,000 to 15,000 persons in Europe and the world. The pBNC now foresees the official founding of the BNC in June 2020 followed by a press conference. This will mark the start of founding national BNC’s in as many nations as possible on the basis of the common manifesto. An international secretariat will be in operation in Berne to coordinate these activities. In time, an international federation of national BNC’s shall be created. In order to reach the common concrete goal of introducing basic articles in their national constitutions, the national BNC’s will develop country-specific strategies, such as popular initiatives (e.g. in Switzerland), petitions, parliamentary initiatives, etc.

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