
Inspiriert von Deep Democracy: Auftakt integraler politischer Dialoge in Freiburg

"Am Schluss waren 'Freund' und 'Feind' kaum mehr voneinander zu unterscheiden", so das anerkennende Feedback einer Teilnehmerin unseres ersten Dialogabends zum Thema Corona am 19. Dezember im Freiburger Haus des Engagements, die ich moderieren durfte.

What makes conversations alive? Inspirations from IFIS' Online Colloquium n° 36

At the IFIS Colloquium on 11 November I presented an idea about the way we speak to each other about important decisions, complex issues or troubling situations. The idea is not mine, but comes from an architect, Christopher Alexander. As a designer of spaces where people live, visit and go about their lives, he observed. In part he observed himself, and in part he observed the spaces he visited.