(Why) should we (not) negotiate with Putin‘s Russia?
On December 12, 2023, Dr. Elke Fein gave a lecture at the Dutch Center for Human Emergence's Salon.
Topic: (Why) should we (not) negotiate with Putin‘s Russia?
Elke presented her developmentally informed perspective on Russian politics and history based on 25 years of social and political science exploration.
The presentation is available online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81FbN1Gdrlc
IFIS at the IEC 2023
IFIS was present at this year's Integral Europe Conference with two presentations by Elke Fein:
Exploring Integral Coherence
LiFT Politics - materials and resources now online
Our EU-funded Strategic Partnership Leadership for Transition Politics has now been completed. We are proud and happy to present our "Intellectual Outputs" online.
The Russia-Ukraine crisis viewed from an integral perspective
"If a problem appears unsolvable, you have the wrong paradigm", says one of our sliders above.
LiFT Politics project experiments with SenseMaker tools to enliven the Conference on the Future of Europe
In the context of our Leadership for Transition (LiFT) Politics project, we are happy to intensify our cooperation with Citizens Take Over Europe (CTOE) and the Cynefin Center as part of our exploration of how novel integral tools can deepen democracy and decision-making.
IFIS at the 2021 Emerge Gathering
IFIS will be present at this year's Emerge Gathering.
We are looking forward to co-create together with other integral and likeminded international pioneers of a new politics and share insights from our LiFT (Leadership for Transition) Politics project!
Salon on Applied Dialectics
As part of the EU-funded CADRA project, Bernhard Possert is (co-)hosting the next Salon on Applied Dialictics focusing on Nick Shannon's work on Metathinking and Applications thereof.
IFIS at this year's Integral Europe Conference
Join us at this year’s global integral gathering, the Integral European Conference Online 2021 conference, an amazing 5-day online event.
* Date: May 19-23, 2021
* Featuring 100 programs
* Keynote speeches, presentations, experimental processes, global sharing circles, socializer events, art shows and more for an expected
1000 people from 55 countries.
Das Lied zum Wandel (Schweizerdeutsch) - Song for transformation (Swiss German)
Das Lied zum Wandel (Schweizerdeutsch) - Song for transformation (Swiss German):
How inner transitions matter in view of global transformations
A new article co-authored by IFIS board member Iris Kunze points out how inner transitions can be powerful leverage points for implementing systemic change:
Woiwode, Christoph, Niko Schäpke, Olivia Bina, Stella Veciana, Iris Kunze, Oliver Parodi, Petra Schweizer-Ries & Christine Wamsler (2021) Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point: fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection. Sustainability Science DOI 10.1007/s11625-020-00882-y.
International Research Colloquium Series on Ecovillages & Resilient Lifestyles
International Research Colloquium SERIES on Ecovillages & Resilient Lifestyles
November 25, from 16 to 18 h CET with Dr. Iris Kunze (IFIS)
IFIS Website updated 2020
A good ten years after the institute was founded, IFIS' website presents itself in a new look, now compatible for mobile devices, with an updated structure and design... and hopefully a new dynamic! We hope you enjoy surfing our i-web.