International Research Colloquium Series on Ecovillages & Resilient Lifestyles

Dr. Iris Kunze

International Research Colloquium SERIES on Ecovillages & Resilient Lifestyles

November 25, from 16 to 18 h CET with Dr. Iris Kunze (IFIS)

Due to the growing interest in research about community life and sustainable lifestyles, and the lack of systematization and forums on this subject, we are creating a space for interaction and constructive dialogue among researchers that study ecovillages and other resilient lifestyles, and establishing a research group. Researchers, master students and interested PhD candidates are very welcome. The aim is to increase data sharing, exchange experiences, identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for collaboration.

Participants are invited to contribute with ideas for further contents for the following sessions.

We are very excited to have you as part of this event!

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