Cohering fields and sharing the magic of Integral Politics with 250+ participants of the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum 2024.
The kick-off week of the Initiative of Change’s annual Caux Form series was dedicated to the IDGs for the first time this year. During the ceremonial opening in Geneva’s Maison de la Paix, the IDGs were vividly endorsed by the Director General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, Tatiana Valovaya, and Costa Rica’s Permanent Representative, Christian Guillermet Fernández, as a necessary addition, supporting the achievement of the SDGs.
Just like the IDGs complement the SDGs, covering their blind spots, Integral Politics complements both of them. In my workshop at the Forum, I have proposed a broader, integral map showing how Integral Politics offers an overarching narrative that describes a completely new paradigm of understanding and of doing politics – in other words, of the ways in which we see our own agency. This, in turn, is the basis of how we design and shape our world.
The mission of integral politics is to deepen our democracies and hence, to bring more depth into power.
Among the participants were change-makers from different countries and continents, among them a considerable number of indigenous activists. Most of the participants were either part of the IDGs community, Caux’ Initiative of Change field or the Conscious Food Alliance, some of them discovered the IDGs only recently.
According to participant feedbacks to my workshop, they found it “eye-opening” to look at “what’s behind” or “what is missing” in the IDGs, namely the worldview and paradigm that brought them into being, while it is not immediately visible in the framework itself.
I am grateful for invitations to present Integral Politics in Hubs in the French-speaking part of Switzerland and in Sweden soon.