Online Colloquium No. 38: Metathinking (ENGL/DEU)

Date and time
2 Stunden

Nick Shannon, Bruno Frischherz 

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We will present our new book: Metathinking. The Art and Practice of Transformational Thinking, published with Springer in November 2020:

In the book, we describe how people can learn to transform their thinking from thinking logically in "straight lines" to a more fluid form which is better suited to understanding and dealing with the complexity of the world.  We describe four modes of dialectical thinking and show, using "mind opening" questions, how these modes - when integrated with Ken Wilber's four quadrants - can be used to build a richer picture of reality through four case studies: adult, team, organisation and national development. We then present a variety of practical thinking exercises to help people learn to become more powerful thinkers and leaders in the workplace. 

This session should be of interest to anyone who is wondering how to embrace greater complexity and expand one's thinking skills. Professionals from all kinds of organisation and particularly, educators, coaches and consultants should find the content useful. 

The presenters will allow for breakout groups in English AND German.

Kleingruppenarbeit auch auf Deutsch möglich. 

More information:


Prof. Dr. Bruno Frischherz

Bruno Frischherz is a senior lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts for almost 20 years. He teaches modules in communication, ethics and science theory. His special interests are in digital ethics, adult development, and discourse and text analysis. He has published numerous books and articles on rhetoric, conversation, image and text communication, business ethics, integrity management and personal self-reflection.

 Nick Shannon

Nick Shannon is a Chartered Psychologist who works with organizations to help them select and develop high performance senior managers and senior management teams. He provides coaching, mentoring, facilitation and talent management services as a consultant. He has a particular interest in adult developmental psychology and the cognitive and emotional transitions that managers must make in order to work successfully at higher levels of complexity and hierarchy.

Prof. Dr. Bruno Frischherz

Nick Shannon is a Chartered Psychologist who works with organizations to help them select and develop high performance senior managers and senior management teams. He provides coaching, mentoring, facilitation and talent management services as a consultant. He has a particular interest in adult developmental psychology and the cognitive and emotional transitions that managers must make in order to work successfully at higher levels of complexity and hierarchy.

Bruno Frischherz is a senior lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts for almost 20 years. He teaches modules in communication, ethics and science theory. His special interests are in digital ethics, adult development, and discourse and text analysis. He has published numerous books and articles on rhetoric, conversation, image and text communication, business ethics, integrity management and personal self-reflection.