Learning Lab on the Future of Politics

Zoom Conference

Final Event of the Leadership for Transition (LiFT) Politics project

The limitations of our current political system are becoming apparent every day. Growing populism and polarization, a diminishing hope for the future and our incapacity to deal with climate change, biodiversity loss, war and other complex challenges.

What would a political system and culture look like that would present an adequate answer to these challenges? What would be the tools, principles and processes? And what solutions are pioneers already practicing?

Welcome to a five day Learning lab on Aug 22-26, 2022 to deep dive into the underlying questions and solutions out there. During this week we bring together some of Europe's leading experts and practitioners on the future of democracy. They will share the insights they gained having worked together across the continent on this for the last three years in the EU-project LiFT (Leadership for Transition) Politics. We also invite you to share your insights and to co-create the journey going forward. Hopefully we will be able to practice what the future of democracy could look like!

You are welcome to join for the full four days or only for a specific session. The costs of this program are covered by Erasmus+. Hence we are able to offer it for free to participants.

View the full program here

View or download the full program here

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