Online Colloquium No. 40: Ego development, complexity, simplicity, and wisdom

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2 Stunden

Dr. Tom Murray 


Ego development, complexity, simplicity, and wisdom: integrating unlearning into adult developmental models

I will present a framework called "Wisdom Skills" that allows for more precise comparison of existing development models, and helps to integrate them. The framework takes into account hierarchical complexity theories (Fischer and Commons), ego development theories (Loevinger, Cook-Greuter, Torbert, and O'Fallon), and meaning-making theories (Kegan) and unifies them at a meta-model level (not at the level of assessment). The framework gives equal priority to constructive (ascending) and deconstructive (releasing or descending) movements, and in so doing integrates trauma and "shadow work" theories in a more foundational way. I also given an analysis critiquing the "transcend and include" principle by showing that in most psychological development, much is "left behind" in normal developmental growth.

Dr. Tom Murray

Dr. Tom Murray is Director of Internal Research at STAGES International, Chief Visionary and Instigator at Open Way Solutions LLC, and a Senior Research Fellow at the UMass School of Computer Science. He is an Associate Editor at Integral Review, is on the editorial review board of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.  His research includes assessing leading edge adult developmental models, and using AI technology to assess development of groups.  Over 20 years, has published articles on developmental theory and meta-theory as they relate to wisdom, education, we-space practices, ethics, and epistemology. See