Don’t expect people to clap for you when you rattle the system
The times are urgent, let’s slow down!
Grow through what you go through
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Wir wandeln das Klima – in Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft
Wenn dir eine Meinung mißfällt, analysiere sie und filtere die Wahrheit aus ihr heraus
Alles Vollkommene in Wort und Tat stammt aus der Tiefe ewigen Schweigens.
Wir haben Wissen, jetzt braucht es Weisheit!
What we believe to be possible is tested by our investment in those possibilities
Practice while you can, you will need it, when you can't
The dominant worldview is killing us
Thought creates the world and then says “I didn’t do it” (David Bohm)
Geist hoch 5
Niemand ist weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt als derjenige, der meint, alle Antworten zu kennen (Zhuangzi)
Thriving is our default setting
You matter more than you think.
We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom
Forschung, Leere, Leichtigkeit
I worry more about unquestioned answers than about unanswered questions (Peter Senge)
Weisheit wird geboren, wenn die Logik stirbt (Sri Aurobindo)
Practice is what we do to be faithful, not to be successful
analog - digital - integral
Ehre deinen Geist, indem du ihn mit guten Fragen, starken Visionen und Freundlichkeit zum Strahlen bringst
Claiming you have no power is a de facto investment in your powerlessness
The person who says "it cannot be done" should not interrupt the person doing it.
Perfect coherence is an optimal state between chaos and order (Lynn McTaggart)
If you're not at the table, you are on the menu...
The future is a choice.
Geht nicht - gibt's nicht: IFIS
If a crisis feels unsolvable, you have the wrong paradigm
The answers are not out there until we ask the questions
Attention is sacred because it is the foundation of choice
The longest road you will ever walk is the sacred journey from your head to your heart (Phil Lane)
Quantum Social Science
When people put down their phones and start reasoning, big things happen
Wenn du scheiterst, versuch’s nochmal, nur größer!
Nichts ist zu gut, um wahr zu sein!
We do not see the world as it is but as we are
In Zeiten großer Veränderungen ist Stabilität ein Hindernis
No-one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.
For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.
Heart knows today what the mind will know tomorrow
Geist ist geil
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